About Us

Relate Avon is an independent local charity that has delivered counselling services since the 1940s.  We are part of the national federation of Relate (the UK’s largest provider of relationship support) with a vision of a future where healthy relationships are actively promoted as the heart of a thriving society. 

From our centres in Bristol and Bath and also online we deliver a range of services across four local authorities (Bristol, South Glos, B&NES and North Somerset).

We are governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees who are committed to helping everyone have healthy and happy relationships.

Who We Are

Our People

We have a dedicated team of over 20 highly qualified and experienced counsellors who aspire to help all those who seek help with their relationships, irrespective of background, circumstance or ability to pay. 

All our counsellors have received special training in relationship counselling and many have expertise in related specialisms like sex therapy or family counselling. Many have first degrees, masters degrees or other post-graduate qualifications. 

The counselling team is led by Mary Everett, Barbara Kenton and Rachel Davies, who have a wealth of experience in counselling and counsellor supervision, and are themselves supported by the great depth of clinical expertise across Relate nationally. 

In order to maintain the highest standards and to ensure consistency across the team, our counsellors participate in mandatory individual monthly supervision of their practice, as well as group supervision, and will consult with their supervisor and the supervision team where necessary. Our counsellors also undertake annual mandatory training in addition to an annual minimum of 30 hours of ongoing professional development.

Our History

Here in Bristol and Bath we’ve been providing relationship support for 80 years and have evolved into a modern, thriving organisation meeting the needs of our community.

During the second world war local branches of the Marriage Guidance Council were set up in both Bristol and Bath, partly to address the relationship traumas of war.

In 1988 the organisation changed its name to Relate to recognise our wider relationship work with single people, cohabiting couples, same-sex couples, and families. And then in 2000 our Bristol and Bath centres merged to form Relate Avon.

We have a wealth of experience having helped tens of thousands of people and held hundreds of thousands of counselling sessions.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

In our services to the public Relate Avon aims to treat everyone equally and with respect. This means not making assumptions about people or discriminating against anyone based on who they are. It also means ensuring all can access and use our services so far as possible.

Relate Avon is also committed to building a diverse and inclusive workforce that is truly representative of the society we serve. We want all to feel respected and able to give their best.